Bench this Blog

Tuesday 20 July 2010

My first Post

Start of a brand new day
Hello and welcome to my first post, I've just set this blog up so bear with me as it's obviously not going to be perfect the first time round. As for me you can read my 'about me' section for personal information or just leave a comment with a question and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. That goes the same if there is any area in the world of fitness your wondering about, just leave a comment and I will look into it and address it either directly or if your lucky in my next post. I also want to make sure you enjoy the personal and familiar way in which I'll be writing. I can tend to rant or go off on tangents so you'll just have to bear with my style as i get into a pace of things. I also tend to make numerous spelling and grammatical mistakes. Please refrain from highlighting this to me as I am already aware that I'm not the most literate of people

Things I want to accomplish in this Blog

Through this blog I want to create a light hearted and enjoyable atmosphere for people looking to get advise in all areas of fitness, from running to weight lifting. Anything that interests you is of interest to me. I will be doing more in depth and technical blogs on your favorite and most interesting areas. I will also be doing a weekly recipe for healthy foods which you can find to right of this blog. This is most importantly my readers blog, if you want be to discuss a particular subject then let it be known and as I've said above I will look into it.

Summers here so get outside
The large itchy sweat beads forming around your head and the flotilla of flys buzzing around your local McDonalds are a good hint that it's summer. Being such as it is, I suggest now is the time for you to get outside and indulge in your favorite form of Cardiovascular exercise. Mine is running, but regardless of the exercise now is definitely the time to do it. And guess what? it's most definitely free. So if you subscribe to a gym to use a treadmill, take a good look outside and then find your nearest tramp and pay them to slap you repeatedly around the face, till you realize your paying for air conditioning. The reason for this is simple, the world is a beautiful place but you won't truly appreciate that locked inside a gym. If your sitting at home with nothing to do all day, break it up with 30 minutes of CV, either go for a run down the high street or drive to your nearest scenic stop and take your bike for ride. Now admittedly if your a swimmer things get difficult here. I would say it's probably best to stay inside your local swimming pool as sidewalks definitely don't have water. But if your into your heavy endurance sports and enjoy the year round temperate waters of the British isles then get down to the beach if you can. I would suggest this to only super keen people and super good swimmers. If you live in Portsmouth, Southsea is the best place for all these activities. Get on the train with your bike or in your running gear and hit the beach front, or if your swimming bring your wet suit and get out there. I can't stress this enough, we don't get enough decent weather in this country as it is and this tends to be a reason why people avoid outside activity all together. Right a very short start with a very small bit of advice but valid none the less. So get outside and get doing what you love, as for me I'm off for my last run as my partner Jess is due to give birth any day and I gonna stay off the roads until she's at home and safe with the baby. Thanks for reading and I'll check in next week.

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